1. How to build and use levels? - Questions - three.js forum
29 mei 2020 · The general approach is to use Blender as the level editor, setting Custom Properties on objects that can be used at runtime by three.js to manage game state.
Hello, i’m new to 3D gamedev and so far only used some simple geometries to create game level by coding it, but want to make things in more smart way in my next project. It’s gonna be primitive first person shooter aim trainer, and player will be available to configure elevation of the sections(tried my best to draw that), which should be animated. All I know is that I should use blender, level should be 3d model or multiple models, but i have no idea how to do it properly. Are there any good tu...
2. THREEJS Material. Title: “Unveiling the World of Three.js… - Medium
7 aug 2023 · Explore the diverse range of materials, from basic to advanced, that can transform your 3D scenes into captivating visual experiences.
Title: “Unveiling the World of Three.js Materials: A Comprehensive Guide”
3. The Big List of three.js Tips and Tricks!
Lots of tips, tricks, and suggestions for best practices while building a high performance three.js application.
4. Get list of all children - Questions - three.js forum
21 sep 2020 · Hi, I am trying to get a list off all children from my model like in the picture Here is my JS fileapp.js (2.8 KB) . Thanks for helping out.
Hi, I am trying to get a list off all children from my model like in the picture Here is my JS fileapp.js (2.8 KB) . Thanks for helping out.
5. The Built-In Geometries - Discover three.js!
The three.js core includes a large selection of basic geometric shapes. We've already seen two of these: our trusty BoxBufferGeometry , and the ...
Here, we use the three.js BoxBufferGeometry and CylinderBufferGeometry to build a simple toy train, taking the opportunity to explore ways to structure more complex scene components.
6. Geometries - Three.js Tutorials
Description · BoxGeometry · CircleGeometry · CylinderGeometry · ConeGeometry · EdgesGeometry · ExtrudeGeometry · ShapeGeometry · LatheGeometry ...
7. three.js examples
three.js · webgl · webgl / postprocessing · webgl / advanced · webgpu (wip) · webaudio · webxr · games · physics.
docs examples
8. Three.js Journey — Learn WebGL with Three.js
As an intermediate WebGL/ThreeJS level person I felt the course is complete. It can aid ppl at various levels to start mastering 3D on the web. The plus ...
The ultimate Three.js course whether you are a beginner or a more advanced developer
9. Help to understand the Three.JS LOD - Level of Details - Questions
27 sep 2022 · Hey, there. I've started learning some advanced concepts of three.js in which LOD - level of details is the one, but I'm having some issues and ...
Hey, there. I’ve started learning some advanced concepts of three.js in which LOD - level of details is the one, but I’m having some issues and need some help on that. I’m using one gltf model of the city from sketchfeb and trying to achieve lazy loading of buildings while we zoom in/out or move/drag the model. Here is the code: - let scene: Scene, camera: PerspectiveCamera, renderer:WebGLRenderer, controls:OrbitControls; const loader = new GLTFLoader(); const loadGLTF = () => { loader.loa...
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10. Three.js - Awwwards
js is a JavaScript library for creating animated 3D graphics. Three.js simplifies the WebGL API. 113 items.
Three.js is a JavaScript library for creating animated 3D graphics. Three.js simplifies the WebGL API.
11. Materials – three.js docs
These constants define properties common to all material types, with the exception of Texture Combine Operations which only apply to MeshBasicMaterial, ...
These constants define properties common to all material types, with the exception of Texture Combine Operations which only apply to [page:MeshBasicMaterial.combine MeshBasicMaterial], [page:MeshLambertMaterial.combine MeshLambertMaterial] and [page:MeshPhongMaterial.combine MeshPhongMaterial].
12. Best Three.js Websites | Web Design Inspiration - Awwwards
Three.js is a widely-used JavaScript library for creating 3D graphics and animations in web browsers. It abstracts the complexities of WebGL, making 3D ...
Examples Of Inspirational Three.js Websites. Here is a selection of Awwwards winning Three.js
13. Manual - Three.js
three.js ; Basics. Fundamentals · Responsive Design ; Fundamentals. Primitives · Scenegraph ; Tips. Rendering On Demand · Debugging JavaScript ; Optimization.
14. A Comprehensive Guide to Materials in Three.js - Chris Courses
18 okt 2024 · This article is meant to demystify the various types of materials you can use in Three.js and how to use them so you're not left with a blank scene due to a ...
If you're newer to Three.js, choosing the right material can be downright miserable. You may have some of the following questions - Why doesn't my material have shadows? Why can't I see my shape anymore?
15. three - NPM
31 okt 2024 · Keywords · three · three.js · javascript · 3d · virtual-reality · augmented-reality · webgl · webgl2 ...
JavaScript 3D library. Latest version: 0.170.0, last published: 24 days ago. Start using three in your project by running `npm i three`. There are 4007 other projects in the npm registry using three.
16. BufferAttribute Types – three.js docs
Constructor. All of the above are called in the same way. TypedBufferAttribute( array : Array_or_Integer, itemSize : Integer, normalized : Boolean ).
There are nine types of [page:BufferAttribute] available in three.js. These correspond to the JavaScript [link:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray#Syntax Typed Arrays].
17. Three.js - Geometries - TutorialsPoint
Geometries are used to create and define shapes in Three.js. Three.js has many types of built-in geometries, both 2D and 3D.
Three.js - Geometries - Geometries are used to create and define shapes in Three.js. Three.js has many types of built-in geometries, both 2D and 3D.